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The eternal wanderer

It was pointed out to me last year that I seemed to have found a new home when I landed in Suffolk Yacht Harbour, something that only got re-enforced when I returned here later in the summer and failed to leave. It is true that I have made some wonderful friends while I've been here, I've even been offered work if I stayed. I will be sad to leave them, but I will leave with fond memories of both the places and the people. There comes a time to end every chapter and move on, my time has come. Out and about Ipswich is a really nice town, with a lot of character mixed in with the usual modern shopping areas. It seems to be under appreciated by the locals, and some of the shops do seem to be struggling. When will councils realise that people are not going into the town and city centre's because of the cost of parking? Why pay extra money when you can park at a retail park for nothing and wander around all day if you want? When you travel from place to place and see all the diff...

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