
You can contact me in the following ways:

The easiest way to get real time updates on where I am and what I'm up to is to join my Facebook page. If I'm out at sea I won't be able to see the conversation or add any comments, so don't get all upset if I don't reply to any comments or questions. I'll try to catch up when I have a proper internet connection.

An alternative way of following my progress is to follow me on my tracker. On there you can see where I am up to in real time, and I will try to post the occasional update on there also.

Garmin InReach Position tracker

Of course you can also email me. 

Email me.
If you are using a computer and not your phone or tablet then clicking on this may not work. You can email me at

With all communications, depending on where I am and what I'm doing it may take me a while to get back to you. Please, be patient.

Supporting the adventure

Knowing that there are people out there who like what I am doing means a great deal to me. I hope you enjoy reading this blog. The support of individuals is invaluable in keeping this process going.

I try to avoid intrusive advertising, but there are costs involved maintaining and up dating this blog. Electronic hardware doesn't like the damp environment on a boat, and wi-fi & internet access is constantly changing as you move around.

If you ever fancy buying me a drink to support what I do you can Buy Me A Beer at and I'll raise a glass to you next time I find a cosy little beach bar.

Alternatively, if you want to show your appreciation but don't want to donate to me, please consider a donation to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a genetic condition affecting more than 10,600 people in the UK, and more than 70,000 worldwide. You are born with CF and cannot catch it later in life, but one in 25 of us carries the faulty gene that causes it, usually without knowing.

A friend of mine, Mark, lived with this condition. His determination to maximise what he got out of life was, and continues to be, an inspiration beyond compare.

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