
Welcome to SailingSouth.Info

A new home

This blog is migrating to a new home, for the latest info and posts please head over to SailingSouth.org. Over there you can register for updates, though I'll continue to post updates to social media too. Once I've migrated all of the content I want to take with me I'll redirect this web address to the new site.

It's not about the destination. It's all about the journey

This blog is all about the places I visit and the people I meet along the way. I've already visited some places I would never have made it to and made some great friends on my travels. I look forward to making many more wonderful memories along the way.

Keeping up to date ....

Unfortunately the old subscribe options have been removed from the Blogger system that hosts this website. For now the easiest way to get notified of updates to this blog, as well as seeing real time updates, is to join my Facebook or Instagram pages. 

Thank you for joining me. Fair Winds and Happy Travels.


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